Health and Happiness - 10 Keys to Happier Living

Health and Happiness - 10 Keys to Happier Living

‘10 Keys to Happier Living’, these are the 10 things we can do that have most influence over how we feel.

In psychology there is a phrase “bad is stronger than good”. From an evolution point of view, our brains are hardwired to notice whats wrong, this kept us safe when, as a species, we were hunter-gatherers, but this human tendency to experience unpleasant emotions more readily and strongly than positive ones doesn’t help much in our lives today….

4 Reasons You Need To Try A Thai Yoga Massage

4 Reasons You Need To Try A Thai Yoga Massage

If you have never had a massage because you really don’t like the idea of being touched, or you have had massages before, but avoiding your therapists eyes as you strip, lying face down staring at their manicured toenails and being smothered in oil just wasn’t the relaxing and rejuvenating experience you and your muscles were wanting, then Thai yoga massage will blow your mind.